Saturday, July 2, 2011

October it is!

So much to note after all this time away from blogging.
After a meeting with our Bishop, we have been excited to know that we do NOT have to wait one year more to be sealed in the Temple following my children's convert baptisms.  So, October it is!

Lots since then has been going on. My son has become a Deacon, and passes the sacrament.  My husband has received the Melchizedek Priesthood, while I am steadily busy with my calling and volunteering when I can. 

Isaac had a blast at his first ever Youth Conference, and not so much on the scouting hike to Havasue Falls.
Everyone seems to be enjoying their summer so far. Our next step is temple interviews, maybe a visit with the Patriarch & my sons first church dance following his up & coming birthday.

I will keep posting more regularily if you keep reading. Thanks for following.


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