Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It has been.... I don't know how long since my last blog.  Let me fill in what's been going on, besides school, Steve's work, my limited ability to work, etc.
Our new chapel has opened. As a result of this, the new schedule has begun.  Those that know me know, I am not a morning person, unless the sky is a brilliant pink and orange, with clouds or scenery screaming to be photographed. Our new schedule is at 8:30am. Knowing it would be a challenge to get everyone ready on time, because even making the 2 o'clock sacrament was a work in progress, I started preparing the night before.  I am glad I did, because if we had been a minute later we would have had seating in the parking lot.
Just kidding. The building is smaller, but none the less beautiful.  It was great to see so many new faces.

I received Isaac & Courtneys certificate of baptism on Sunday, and both Isaac and Steve met with the Bishop to discuss becoming Priesthood holders.  Upon completion of those interviews, our being sealed in the Temple came up.  Apparently, because our kids were convert baptisms, we have to wait a year to be sealed to them.  This does kind of disturb the peace with me.  They are still children, my children....under the age of 18.  I just don't get it. I guess shame on us for becoming in-active in the first place.

Boy, if we thought the adversary was working on us this hard now......

I get antsy. I know learning patience is something I need to do. I have prayed for the opportunities to practice patience.  And as I feel I fail almost everyday with my own children, I know this is a test.

In anticipation for the bumpy road, I have decided the best thing for me to do is surround myself.  Be surrounded by those who lift me up. Those who inspire me and those who care. 
Well, that and sit tight & hold on for dear life.


Anonymous said...

How exciting Melissa! I was sealed to my Parents and Sister when I was around fifteen. My little Sis was eight or nine.I will never forget it. So happy for your family~

Crevling Crew said...

Thanks so much. You are right. I cannot take for granted that my kids will be witness to us being sealed as a family. Something I hope they will never forget. Well worth the wait

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