Saturday, May 7, 2011

Take a DEEP Breath

I am still here....I am just a bit overwhelmed, and I have had a few things said to me just with in today that have really discouraged me.  Small things, simple words and I can't help but take it to heart.  I don't want this to be a negative blog so I will keep it short.

I have always felt that if you are going to do something, then be good at "IT"! What if you are not good at "IT"? I do what I can and still feel as though it isn't good enough.  Is giving a 25, 40, 62 or 87% effort (whatever the case may be) better than nothing at all? 

YES! Absolutely.
So whatever your "IT" is.....
Don't give up.
And here is the photo, cause every blog needs a photo:



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