Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tone in the Home: Part One

I know three days of blogs in a row.  It may seem like I am on a roll with this blog thingy, but don't bloggers blog their thoughts? (which I have a lot of time for lately) I like to think of it as a journal and I don't mind if you read it.

As of a few months ago, I have been focusing on the tone in our home.  I will be honest, we like to yell. The Crevlings/Roberts come from a long line of emotional, LOUD people with short tempers.  Now you add in the fact that it's a big home & we get lazy. Believe me, no one wants to go upstairs and sometimes and yelling is the only way we feel we are heard.  After all, there are five of us competing with 3 dogs, a stereo, a washer & dryer that run non-stop......and well you can imagine.

My idea is that though we do not know how much longer we will be living in this home, it still needs to feel like home.  So, I have invested in some artwork......."invested" sounds expensive and for us right now what you may think isn't a lot, is in fact expensive for us. But an investment is putting something into something you get something out of, there is value & purpose. Whether it be time, money or energy. The few dollars I did spent were on an 8x10 print of Christ watching over his flock and of course my much raved about Las Vegas Temple photo. (yet to arrive)
My hope is that having these visuals on my wall,
 will help set a new tone in our home.


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