Monday, May 2, 2011

Temple Bound

I am getting excited as we set goals to be sealed as a family together forever in the LDS temple. 

Recently, Isaac & Courtney were baptised by their grandpa Dennis Roberts, in our Las Vegas, Cactus Ward March 26th.  Our gradual comeback to the church is a result of our dramatic rise and even more dramatic fall financially in this economy.  As we started loosing everything we had worked so hard for, a nice home, nice cars, good credit.....the list goes on, we began to cling to the values and teachings of the church. What we had known once before.  We are now back to basics and surviving on bare minimum.  Lots of prayer, Faith in God, good friends and family.

For Mothers Day I have finally put my favorite image to print, soon to be hung in my home.  This is the Las Vegas Temple, which we will some day be sealed in. Preparations are in the works, so stay tuned as we plan, prepare make this journey.


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