Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OK, An area to work on....or two!

First of all, blogging and writing is an obvious area of mine needing improvement.  So bare with me.

People who have stopped by unannounced only to be left standing on our doorstep....Sorry.  As I try to heed the words from conference about being a better homemaker, it is still best to call before coming.  I always think of that Boy Scouts motto: "Be Prepared", but that doesn't mean everyone else in our home is on the same page. 

The Missionaries stopped by today, Steve's one and only official day off ...he wasn't much for budging from his spot on the couch in his jammies. (The Missionaries weren't scheduled to come over for another two days.)  So there the kids, the Missionaries & I stood outside shooting the wind for twenty some minutes. 

You see, two days from now, I would have had my home somewhat clean, maybe nice music playing and even though we aren't always in the best of the moods, the house would at least smell delightful.  Smokescreen to some? Maybe. A front or mask? Perhaps.
I call it respect for my guests. I want them to feel the spirit, nice calm, welcoming spirit in our home. My discomfort in my crazy, untidy home and drop in guests creates a bad mood for all (unintentionally of course.).... So my question is: HOW? How do you make your home a haven for the spirit always?  How do so many women succeed at homemaking? 

I fight this constantly.  I need to step it up for sure! 
So any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

It saddens me, because I know the Missionaries have a message & are guided to our door scheduled or not.  They can bring the spirit back in our home no matter how far one of our bad days may have chased it away.


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