Saturday, July 2, 2011

October it is!

So much to note after all this time away from blogging.
After a meeting with our Bishop, we have been excited to know that we do NOT have to wait one year more to be sealed in the Temple following my children's convert baptisms.  So, October it is!

Lots since then has been going on. My son has become a Deacon, and passes the sacrament.  My husband has received the Melchizedek Priesthood, while I am steadily busy with my calling and volunteering when I can. 

Isaac had a blast at his first ever Youth Conference, and not so much on the scouting hike to Havasue Falls.
Everyone seems to be enjoying their summer so far. Our next step is temple interviews, maybe a visit with the Patriarch & my sons first church dance following his up & coming birthday.

I will keep posting more regularily if you keep reading. Thanks for following.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It has been.... I don't know how long since my last blog.  Let me fill in what's been going on, besides school, Steve's work, my limited ability to work, etc.
Our new chapel has opened. As a result of this, the new schedule has begun.  Those that know me know, I am not a morning person, unless the sky is a brilliant pink and orange, with clouds or scenery screaming to be photographed. Our new schedule is at 8:30am. Knowing it would be a challenge to get everyone ready on time, because even making the 2 o'clock sacrament was a work in progress, I started preparing the night before.  I am glad I did, because if we had been a minute later we would have had seating in the parking lot.
Just kidding. The building is smaller, but none the less beautiful.  It was great to see so many new faces.

I received Isaac & Courtneys certificate of baptism on Sunday, and both Isaac and Steve met with the Bishop to discuss becoming Priesthood holders.  Upon completion of those interviews, our being sealed in the Temple came up.  Apparently, because our kids were convert baptisms, we have to wait a year to be sealed to them.  This does kind of disturb the peace with me.  They are still children, my children....under the age of 18.  I just don't get it. I guess shame on us for becoming in-active in the first place.

Boy, if we thought the adversary was working on us this hard now......

I get antsy. I know learning patience is something I need to do. I have prayed for the opportunities to practice patience.  And as I feel I fail almost everyday with my own children, I know this is a test.

In anticipation for the bumpy road, I have decided the best thing for me to do is surround myself.  Be surrounded by those who lift me up. Those who inspire me and those who care. 
Well, that and sit tight & hold on for dear life.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Take a DEEP Breath

I am still here....I am just a bit overwhelmed, and I have had a few things said to me just with in today that have really discouraged me.  Small things, simple words and I can't help but take it to heart.  I don't want this to be a negative blog so I will keep it short.

I have always felt that if you are going to do something, then be good at "IT"! What if you are not good at "IT"? I do what I can and still feel as though it isn't good enough.  Is giving a 25, 40, 62 or 87% effort (whatever the case may be) better than nothing at all? 

YES! Absolutely.
So whatever your "IT" is.....
Don't give up.
And here is the photo, cause every blog needs a photo:


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tone in the Home: Part One

I know three days of blogs in a row.  It may seem like I am on a roll with this blog thingy, but don't bloggers blog their thoughts? (which I have a lot of time for lately) I like to think of it as a journal and I don't mind if you read it.

As of a few months ago, I have been focusing on the tone in our home.  I will be honest, we like to yell. The Crevlings/Roberts come from a long line of emotional, LOUD people with short tempers.  Now you add in the fact that it's a big home & we get lazy. Believe me, no one wants to go upstairs and sometimes and yelling is the only way we feel we are heard.  After all, there are five of us competing with 3 dogs, a stereo, a washer & dryer that run non-stop......and well you can imagine.

My idea is that though we do not know how much longer we will be living in this home, it still needs to feel like home.  So, I have invested in some artwork......."invested" sounds expensive and for us right now what you may think isn't a lot, is in fact expensive for us. But an investment is putting something into something you get something out of, there is value & purpose. Whether it be time, money or energy. The few dollars I did spent were on an 8x10 print of Christ watching over his flock and of course my much raved about Las Vegas Temple photo. (yet to arrive)
My hope is that having these visuals on my wall,
 will help set a new tone in our home.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OK, An area to work on....or two!

First of all, blogging and writing is an obvious area of mine needing improvement.  So bare with me.

People who have stopped by unannounced only to be left standing on our doorstep....Sorry.  As I try to heed the words from conference about being a better homemaker, it is still best to call before coming.  I always think of that Boy Scouts motto: "Be Prepared", but that doesn't mean everyone else in our home is on the same page. 

The Missionaries stopped by today, Steve's one and only official day off ...he wasn't much for budging from his spot on the couch in his jammies. (The Missionaries weren't scheduled to come over for another two days.)  So there the kids, the Missionaries & I stood outside shooting the wind for twenty some minutes. 

You see, two days from now, I would have had my home somewhat clean, maybe nice music playing and even though we aren't always in the best of the moods, the house would at least smell delightful.  Smokescreen to some? Maybe. A front or mask? Perhaps.
I call it respect for my guests. I want them to feel the spirit, nice calm, welcoming spirit in our home. My discomfort in my crazy, untidy home and drop in guests creates a bad mood for all (unintentionally of course.).... So my question is: HOW? How do you make your home a haven for the spirit always?  How do so many women succeed at homemaking? 

I fight this constantly.  I need to step it up for sure! 
So any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

It saddens me, because I know the Missionaries have a message & are guided to our door scheduled or not.  They can bring the spirit back in our home no matter how far one of our bad days may have chased it away.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Temple Bound

I am getting excited as we set goals to be sealed as a family together forever in the LDS temple. 

Recently, Isaac & Courtney were baptised by their grandpa Dennis Roberts, in our Las Vegas, Cactus Ward March 26th.  Our gradual comeback to the church is a result of our dramatic rise and even more dramatic fall financially in this economy.  As we started loosing everything we had worked so hard for, a nice home, nice cars, good credit.....the list goes on, we began to cling to the values and teachings of the church. What we had known once before.  We are now back to basics and surviving on bare minimum.  Lots of prayer, Faith in God, good friends and family.

For Mothers Day I have finally put my favorite image to print, soon to be hung in my home.  This is the Las Vegas Temple, which we will some day be sealed in. Preparations are in the works, so stay tuned as we plan, prepare make this journey.